Tuesday, August 20, 2013

This week has flown by!!

This week has flown by!! it usually does!! this is my last P day in the MTC!!!! YESS!!! haha not thtat i dont love the MTC but... i really want to start teaching real people now!!! teaching teachers is kind of a lot different!!! haha but over all my MTC experience has been amazing!!! i have made soo many good friends here. This past week some of my good friends left! i was really sad!!! i have pictures with them all!! Me and my companion are getting along well!! My friend Elder Thomas who left yesterday reminds me so much off all my friends from home!!! he is soo funny!!! he would always come and hug me when he would see me in devotionals and stuff which at first was super awkward cuz im pretty sure everyone was questioning how we got thru our stake pres. interviews yeah thats enough said haha it reminded me of my friend Zac who would always give me hugs haha kinda weird but get over it. haha
Holy cow i had some really cool experiences this week with the spirit!!! sooo anyway... this past monday i was super unfocused the beginning of the day and i couldnt figure out why!!! it was driving me nuts. because we have to teach 4 times a day in spanish and when i dont have the spirit that is really hard!! my spanish just kind of slurs together when i dont have it. so anyway we were about to teach our 2nd lesson and i was really stressing out because i didnt have the spirit as strong as i usually do, i started praying. i explained my problem and asked that i would be able to feel the spirit more strongly amongst other things. after my prayer i just sat in my chair quitetly and just waited and stayed focused on my feelings. a few seconds went by and then all at once it came back, it felt as if a literal sheet or blanket was laid inside of me, i dont really know how to explain it but my focus just came right back and i remembered how to speak spanish!! this was really good because we were teaching chastity, which could have gone reallllllllyyyy bad had i gotten a few words wrong hahaha yeah im sure you can imagine!!! yikes.... yeah i dont want to think about that. especially this is our (fake) investigator who is lesbian. yeahh.... really hard lesson, could not have done what we did with out the spirit!!! She commited to live the law of chastity and to break up with her girl friend... HECK YEAH!!!!! ¨:) after words in class our teacher (which is also our investigator) told us how amazing we did!!! i felt pretty happy. but i know that it was not me teaching. In the strength of the Lord we can do all things!!! soo that was a cool experience!! another one happened on tueday and wednesdayTuesday during personal study i studied all about faith and how to get stronger faith, and i found several scriptures that talk about the trial of your faith and it really made me think because i couldnt think of one specific time in my life that i can specifically call THE trial of my faith. So i was praying really hard for help to find the answer to this. anyway i had a discussion with my District about Moroni chaper 7, because it talkes a lot about faith and how to get it. One of the Hermanas in my district brought up that she always wondered about how to recieve stronger faith and that she too has never had one specific trial of faith. and she brought up how in spanish the word that it uses when talking about trial of faith is Prueba which means trial or QUIZ. and that really hit me because she said that not everyone has a test but everyone has quizes haha soo that answered my question!!!
so more about this week... im hesitant to tell you all this but im going to anyway haha soo on tuesday the other elders who are going to El Salvador played a prank on me... one of the elders was an electrician before he came... well tuesday night after i finish writing in my journal i go to turn off my light and it doesnt turn off... haha im kinda freaking out and they all come in and are looking at it and laughing at me and stuff. After a while they all told me that they had played a prank on me... they wired the wires together... O_o yeah i wold never have thought of that haha so they fixed it pretty quick and we went to bed... well yesterday we got them back... we came back to the dorms early from Lunch and Took the Doors to their bathroom haha the doors come off really easy because they dont have pins so you can just lift up on them and they come off haha and the bathroom is set up so that you have a door to the shower and a door to the toilet haha sooo yeah after we all got back from gym they freaked out cuz none of them could take showers or really use the bathroom hahahaa it was really funny!!! we gave them back the doors after we got back to the dorms for the night... yeah
also this week i got my release date!! I will be getting home June 23, 2015!!
im soo excited to get to El Salvador or as some call it El Matedor (inside joke) . this will probably be the last Thurday i will be writing!! next time i write i will be in the Field!!! yeaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh im stoked!!!! welllll thats alll for today i think i have to go play soccer.. :) haha oh and do any of you know Tanner Mangam... welll when we get home he will be the starting quarter back for BYU haha he is pretty cool!!
Love you all thanks for all your prayers and support!!
-Elder Dennis- 

 actually... we just got our flight plans just now and i will be leaving monday morning at 3 AM!!! hahah sooooooo sickkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! ok just had to get on and tell you all!!! i have 3 days left!!! not 5-6!! sweeet!!!!!!!!!

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